Friday, March 18, 2011

Coldwater plants

I've chosen the plants for my cordless coldwater set-up to be, and put together a very quick image of what they will look like together. Plants on the top with be background and are as follows, right to left: hornwort, java fern, anacharis. Plants on the bottom will be the foreground and are four-leaf clover and narrow-leaf chain sword. If I manage to find a nice piece of driftwood I'll most likely be adding some java moss as well.

My hope is that these will all grow like mad and keep me busy with weekly prunings. That way they will do a great job of filtering the bowl, and I won't have to end up trying to find a canister filter that will work with rounded sides! Anyway, I think my selection has a nice array of shades and textures. I'm really pleased with it.

I've decided upon Eco-Complete substrate in black. It's great for the plants, and will also hopefully bring out the colors in the flagfish since they tend to camouflage to their environments.


  1. I like the variety of plants you chose for the tank.They should look nice together. About how big will the "background" plants get?

    You said that a goldfish would just be too big for a bowl. So is that how you decide on the American Flagfish?

  2. Well yes, I was trying to plan out a large goldfish bowl with coldwater plants, then discovered that goldfish just shouldn't ever be kept in a bowl. From there I searched out a fish that WOULD be suitable for the set-up I was planning. The American flagfish is both small (around 2-3 inches in size), coldwater dwelling, and well-adapted to stagnant, low-oxygen water. I honestly can't think of another fish that would thrive in those conditions!
